Articles written by the members of the Greystone Solicitors team, covering trending legal topics in their specialist areas.
Is your Data Protection Policy fit for purpose?
Written by Leah Waller Senior Consultant Solicitor Your Data Protection Policy is your underlying internal policy that outlines your Company’s procedures for Data Protection, in accordance with The Data Protection Act 2018. A good Data Protection Policy will deal with all aspects relating to the obtaining, handling, processing, transporting and storage of Personal Data in
20th June 2023 -
Being in a car accident – do’s and don’ts!
Nimra Butt Marketing Executive Do: Take pictures at the scene! Taking photos at the scene can help capture evidence, which will prove to be beneficial when dealing with your insurance who will be investigating the claim. Not only this, but if you or the other party are looking to file a personal injury lawsuit, having
16th March 2023 -
Annual increases to National Minimum Wage & Statutory Payments for 2023
Written by Leah Waller Senior Employment Consultant Solicitor It is about this time each year that I set out the changes to the National Minimum Wage and the National Living Wage, so here we have it… The increases from 1 April 2023 will be as follows: Increased from £4.81 to £5.28 per hour Increased from
16th March 2023 -
Have you protected your Business against staff leaving and poaching your clients?
Written by Leah Waller Senior Employment Consultant Solicitor Post-Termination Restrictions (also referred to as Restrictive Covenants) can be used to protect your business when your staff or employees no longer work for you. Post-Termination Restrictions are used to prevent employees and staff from using the confidential information and trade secrets they have been made aware
13th January 2023 -
Historic Icons of Law
It’s crucial that we don’t allow the memory of these legal historic icons to fade into obscurity… so let’s look at their stories and their trailblazing contributions to changing the course of legal history!
30th August 2022 -
Do I Have To Work In This Heat?
Can you refuse to work in high temperatures? What are employers required to do to make staff more comfortable in the heat? Read this article to find out!
15th July 2022 -
Hello! From Leah Waller – Head of Employment
Check out this blog post to get to know Leah Waller, Head of Employment and Data Protection Specialist!
29th June 2022 -
Bizarre Lawsuits You’ve Never Heard Of
It’s not uncommon for sensational legal cases to make the headlines, but not all lawsuits are made equal. Keep reading to learn about these stranger-than-fiction cases!
22nd June 2022 -
Does My Employer Have To Give Me A Reference?
I often get asked by clients whether their former employer has to give them a reference, usually followed up by…can they give a bad reference?
18th May 2022 -
Conveyancing Tips for Buyers
Moving home is a notoriously stressful experience, but it doesn’t have to be! Arm yourself with our top tips and feel well prepared.
12th May 2022 -
Road Safety in the Heat – What You Need to Know
We all know that wet or icy weather can significantly affect our driving experience, but many often forget that driving in the heat can incur additional dangers too! Follow our tips below on how to avoid unnecessary accidents or near-misses on the road in the sun this year.
26th April 2022 -
Annual Increases to National Minimum Wage & Statutory Payments for 2022
Settlement Agreements can be used to settle a dispute between an Employer and their Employee and can also bring an end to any employment relationship, although it does not necessarily have to.
1st April 2022 -
Do I Have To Give A Reason When Dismissing An Employee?
Settlement Agreements can be used to settle a dispute between an Employer and their Employee and can also bring an end to any employment relationship, although it does not necessarily have to.
30th March 2022 -
Have You Thought About Tightening Your Employment Contracts?
Settlement Agreements can be used to settle a dispute between an Employer and their Employee and can also bring an end to any employment relationship, although it does not necessarily have to.
10th March 2022 -
How Can Employers Use Settlement Agreements to Their Advantage?
Settlement Agreements can be used to settle a dispute between an Employer and their Employee and can also bring an end to any employment relationship, although it does not necessarily have to.
27th January 2022 -
New Year, New Staff, Same Old Contracts?
If it was pre-April 2020 then there have been some BIG changes and developments that may mean that your Employment Contracts are out of date and if the necessary information is not included this could mean…
19th January 2022 -
Top 10 Tips for Driving Safely This Winter and Avoiding a Car Crash Claim
Although our Personal Injury team is always on hand to offer legal assistance if you were involved in a road accident that was no fault of your own, we also want you to drive safely this winter to avoid a car crash and road accident injury claim occurring against you. Which is why we’ve come up with 10 top tips to drive safely this winter.
10th January 2022 -
The Gender Pay Gap
The Office for National Statistics recent data evidences that an eye-watering 83% of the UK’s most popular jobs have a gender pay gap in favour of men.
16th December 2021 -
Festive Fun or HR Nightmare?
So, here we are in December and this is when we usually hear the tales of Christmas Parties gone wrong, Employers’ Liability claims, and Vicarious Liability.
8th December 2021 -
Why Following a Disciplinary Procedure Is So Important
Not following a disciplinary procedure correctly can leave an employer open to claims for unfair dismissal and so, although working through a disciplinary procedure may seem time-consuming and arduous, the consequences of not following the procedure (and giving rise to a valid claim for unfair dismissal) can be much more costly.
18th November 2021 -
Stress at Work: On the Rise
Many things have changed since pre-pandemic, not least our working arrangements, and with this many businesses are moving to completely remote working or a hybrid approach.
10th November 2021 -
The witching hour ticks ever closer, as Halloween is almost upon us. But with tricks and treats come scary stories, so we thought we’d dedicate today’s blog post to giving you your horror fix. From a homemade costume catching on fire to murder by demonic possession, here are 3 frightful legal cases that will make your skin crawl.
26th October 2021 -
A Checklist for Introducing Hybrid Working
Many things have changed since pre-pandemic, not least our working arrangements, and with this many businesses are moving to completely remote working or a hybrid approach.
21st October 2021 -
The Most Bizarre UK Laws You Could Be Infringing
Meet the pets of Greystone! It’s World Animal Day (October 4th), and there’s one thing the Greystone Solicitors team can guarantee, we love animals! In this week’s article, we’ll be shining a light on the UK laws protecting our animals.
19th October 2021 -
Why Having Terms & Conditions of Business Is Important to Your Business
Terms & Conditions of Business are important because they govern your relationship with your clients and customers, and most importantly, how you get paid! These are needed long before you start taking on any employees or think about expanding.
14th October 2021 -
Meet the Director, Bilal Farooq
Manveer Bhimber joins us as the new Property Consultant Chartered Legal Executive.
12th October 2021 -
Proposed Changes to Social Care Fees
Last month the government revealed its proposed changes to the social care system, and in particular the funding of it.
6th October 2021 -
What Laws Protect Animals
Meet the pets of Greystone! It’s World Animal Day (October 4th), and there’s one thing the Greystone Solicitors team can guarantee, we love animals! In this week’s article, we’ll be shining a light on the UK laws protecting our animals.
4th October 2021 -
Macmillan Coffee Morning
It’s the Biggest Coffee Morning of the year, and you can bet Greystone Solicitors got involved!
24th September 2021 -
10 Things You Might Not Know About Making Gifts
Most people will make gifts to others during their lifetime, perhaps to celebrate a special occasion or to help a family member. These gifts can be of anything that you own, such as money, shares, property or personal belongings. Whatever the reason and whatever the gift, here are 10 things you might not know:
14th September 2021 -
10 Steps To The Medical Negligence Claims Process
Personal Injury involves civil cases whereby the affected party seeks compensation for the injuries he or she sustained in order to restore said person to the position he or she would have been in prior to the incident.
2nd September 2021 -
The Will Fact Sheet
An up to date will is one of the most important documents you can have. It allows you to choose, amongst other things, how your estate will be distributed on your death.
25th August 2021 -
Is a Staff Handbook Necessary and What Should It Include?
A Contract of Employment is a great place to start as this sets out all the expectations, obligations and agreement of the role, as well as complying with your legal obligation to provide a Written Statement of Terms to employees in accordance with Section 1 of the Employment Rights Act 1996.
16th August 2021 -
Grants and Funding for Small Businesses During the Pandemic and Beyond
Small and Medium sized Enterprises (“SMEs”) are the backbone of the economy. The Government recognises this and provides financial help and assistance in various forms to ensure their growth and continuity.
16th August 2021 -
Top 10 Reasons Why Muslims Should Have an Islamic Will In Place
Having a Will in place does not only give you peace of mind but also enables you to protect your loved ones and avoid conflict after you have passed away. Here are our top 10 reasons why Muslims should make an Islamic Will.
26th July 2021 -
What is Personal Injury?
Personal Injury involves civil cases whereby the affected party seeks compensation for the injuries he or she sustained in order to restore said person to the position he or she would have been in prior to the incident.
22nd July 2021 -
Can You Refuse To Work Due To The Temperature Of Your Workplace?
Now, I know we don’t always have the best weather in the UK, but when we do not all offices and workplaces are necessarily equipped to deal with soaring temperatures
7th July 2021 -
The Assistance A Lasting Power Of Attorney Can Provide During The Pandemic
A lasting power of attorney (LPA) is a legal document which allows you to appoint another person or people to act on your behalf and make decisions for you
2nd July 2021 -
Holidays, Coronavirus & Employees
As the traditional holiday season is coming up, we thought we would have a look at some of the implications of coronavirus on holidays that employees are hoping to take as employers’ obligations.
23rd June 2021 -
Advantages of Offering Your Employee a Settlement Agreements
Settlement Agreements are a popular choice for many reasons, especially when there is a dispute between an Employer and Employee but also on occasions of redundancy and dismissal.
22nd June 2021 -
National Minimum Wage & Statutory Payments for 2021
It is about this time each year that I set out the changes to the National Minimum Wage and the National Living Wage and this year is no different (well, not in relation to this anyway!).
10th March 2021 -
Time To Put Your Affairs In Order?
Wills and lasting powers of attorney are things that most people have heard of. Despite this, a surprising number of adults in the UK either do not have anything in place at all, or have out of date wills or lasting powers of attorney.
23rd July 2020 -
As both an Employer and an Employee, you need to know what the Redundancy Process should look like, what Redundancy is (in legal terms) and as an employee, what you are entitled to OR as an employer, what you can, can’t and should be doing.
22nd July 2020 -
New Job, New Employment Contract
So, you have just got a new job (or maybe a promotion!) and received a new Employment Contract
8th November 2019 -
Is your Business HR Brexit-Ready?
It is important that you know exactly who your business employs and whether they are UK or EU Nationals. Many EU Nationals will have concerns about their future…
10th October 2019 -
Mental Health and Wellbeing in the Workplace
Our Employment Law Expert, Leah Waller, discusses why she believes taking care of mental health and wellbeing …
2nd May 2019 -
Benefits for Employers of Using Settlement Agreements
Settlement Agreements can be used to settle a dispute between an Employer and their Employee and can also bring an end …
2nd April 2019 -
Changes in Employment Law in April 2019
For Employers it could mean an increase in outgoings and for Employees it could….
22nd March 2019 -
Are You an EU National Concerned about Brexit?
Bring to the table win-win survival strategies to ensure proactive domination.
11th January 2019